Be Heard - Women's Leadership Conference 2022

Be Heard - Women's Leadership Conference 2022
Wednesday, November 16, 2022
Bringing together professionals in the community for a day of professional development, networking, and engaging discussion. Learn about issues facing women in leadership positions and strategies to handle them. Strengthen your emotional intelligence to stand out as a leader among men and women. Share in discussions about challenges (and their potential solutions) facing our community.
Speakers and Sessions
Lise Vesterlund
Lise Vesterlund is the Andrew W. Mellon Professor of the Department of Economics at the University of Pittsburgh and the Director of the Pittsburgh Experimental Economics Laboratory (PEEL) and of the Behavioral Economic Design Initiative (BEDI). She is a Research Associate with the National Bureau of Economic Research. A co-author of the book, “The No Club: Putting a Stop to Women’s Dead-End Work,” her highly influential research on gender differences in advancement has been featured by The New York Times, The Guardian, Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The Economist, and The Financial Times.
Title: The No Club: Putting a Stop to Women's Dead-End Work
All organizations have work that no one wants, low impact assignments like proofing documents, onboarding new staff, screening interns, attending to that time-consuming client, or simply helping others. Women are disproportionately asked and expected to do this “non-promotable work,” which leaves them overcommitted and underutilized as companies forfeit revenue, productivity, and top talent.
Lise Vesterlund, professor of economics and co-author of The No Club, will explain what non-promotable work is, how and why it affects women disproportionately, and what we can do to make smarter decisions about the work we take on. She will also address how organizations and managers can benefit from reassessing how they assign and reward work.
Madeline Enos
Madeline Enos is a leader and educator with over 10 years in tech. She is an advocate for equitable workplaces and is currently the Head of Marketing at the HR startup She has led global teams for brand, PR, and SEO at international research firm Gartner and was an instructor & mentor for students at the University of Texas at Austin and Portland State University. In her free time, she supports her family's small business Shasta Acupuncture and serves as a board member with Klamath Basin Audubon Society.
How to grow your leadership with a powerful personal brand
What do people say about you when you're not in the room? Whether you've intentionally created a personal brand or not, you have one — in-person and online. Explore how to brand or rebrand yourself to attract the right projects & clients and solidify your reputation as a leader. Participants will gain self-reflection skills, learn how to conduct a "brand audit," get easy tips for online branding, and hear success stories of women who have created a personal brand that aligns with their professional goals to secure new opportunities.
Jennifer Silva
From teen mother and high school dropout to having a successful career in marketing, education, and human resources, Jennifer Silva found inspiration in adversity and used it to her benefit. Jennifer was born in Klamath Falls, Oregon to a hardworking blue-collar family. Growing up in the pacific northwest and eventually finding her way to the beautiful Oregon Coast, she raised a family and attended college while working full time. SHE KNOWS GRIT.
For Jennifer, inspiration came in the most unexpected places – in the hard-stuff. Inspiring others to realize their worth and show up as their best selves is her purpose and passion. She is currently the Director of Human Resources for the Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw Indians and holds a master’s degree in Management and Leadership, a bachelor’s degree in Business and Communications, and is a certified professional and personal coach.
Discussion Synopsis:
Room at the Table is a journey through some of the most difficult personal and professional challenges women face in today’s society. Women are arguably among the most competitive creatures on the planet. This is both a gift and a curse! The hardest part is, we often use this gift for evil rather than good and unleash our demons on our fellow woman. In this interactive discussion, Jennifer takes you through the reasons we claw our way through the workplace and how to turn that intensity into collaboration. Not only is there plenty of room for us at the table, but we can also help make space for others as we work toward our own goals.
Mary Hambleton
As a busy business owner, a mother of five and a grandmother of eight, Mary’s training style helps bring real life balance to those who are struggling with, “Doing it All”.
An experienced professional who has completed a rigorous certification program from Fred Pryor Seminars in 2009 to ensure she offers real-world experience in the courses she facilitates. She maintains her proficiency through industry-specific research, attending advanced seminars and collegiate courses, and communications with other experts in her field.
Mary prides herself on the foundation on which their company, Soul Canyon Training & Development, is built; “We are all about developing individuals within their careers, helping teams reach higher levels of performance, bringing forth strong leaders as they personally discover their skills and uncover their passion.”
Mary joined forces with several women to write the book "Unscripted - How Women Thrive in Life, Business, and Relationships”. Look for her solo project in soon – “Leadership Lessons from the Kitchen with Love”.
A native Oregonian and Henley High School graduate, Mary currently resides in Redmond, Oregon with her husband and business partner, Rob Hambleton and their three beautiful Labrador Assistances, Ms. Bella & Miss Sunny & Miss Winnie.
Title: Communication Skills for Today’s Woman – Are we are own worst enemy?
International trainer and speaker Mary Hambleton of Soul Canyon Training and Development will have you laughing and learning skills every woman needs in this shorten version of her full day workshop.
Loaded with proven tips and tricks to help you become a more confident communicator. Sharpen your time management skills for whole life balance. Bring more Positive Intelligence and happiness to your life by learning your 5 sage powers.
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7390 S. 6th Street
Klamath Falls, OR 97603
Heather Harter